Take Precautions in the Sun

Today’s topic is about to take precautions in the sun with Avon Brochure January 2021! Just as you choose your clothes by the season, you should change your skincare seasonally. You should not use a moisturizer that you use in winter. We are not only exposed to the harmful effects of the sun while sunbathing. These effects can damage your skin while traveling in the city, in a car, or at any time of the day.

Benefits of Vitamin D

The benefits of vitamin D do not end with counting, but it is also the main role of your skin losing moisture and wrinkling prematurely. To take precautions against these situations, you need care products that protect your skin against external factors and at the same time provide the moisture your skin needs! In summer care, you should take vitamin C serum on the list and give your skin the moisture it needs.

Vitamin C

Although sun preparation may seem like a long process, you should remember that you are actually investing in your skin. You can replenish the moisture your skin has lost with sun rays by using serums containing vitamin C. Saturate your skin with moisture with these serums 3 days a week.

Importance of Cleansers

We have no doubt that you started the day by cleansing your skin! The foundation of skin care is a clean and purified texture. However, you should change your cleansing process seasonally. So you should stay away from gels that dry your skin. Sun rays dry your skin already enough. If you are looking for good cleansers, you must take a look at Avon January 2021 Brochure pdf in detail!


You can moisturize your skin, which is exposed to the sun all day, with a soothing cream at night. By choosing ingredients designed to rejuvenate the skin without clogging the pores, you are preparing for the next day in advance. Remember, the sun continues to show its effects at night. By the way, there are many useful moisturizers on Avon Catalogue January 2021. Moreover, most of them are on sale with special Christmas offers! Here you go!

Your hair is easily worn, dry, and broken in the sea, sun, and summer months. Like your skin, your hair needs moisture. When you go out in the sun, you can benefit from hair care oils that trap moisture in your hair and at the same time protect against harmful rays.

If you want to be protected and get a beautiful tan; then you should prefer the healthy method, ie you can tan gradually with a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least SPF15. Thus, you will prevent peeling and ensure a longer stay in bronze.

To protect your tan; You can use body creams that absorb moisture after sun exposure. Aloe vera-based ingredients give you a slight coolness in this sense while moisturizing and softening your sun-stressed skin. You can find many after sun care products on Avon January 2021 Catalogue. Browse it!

Here are some tips to Take Precautions in the Sun with Avon Brochure January 2021! For more Avon products, beauty tips, and offers, visit the category page of Avon. Also, subscribe to it with your email to the latest Avon Brochure in South Africa!

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