Avon Brochure Advance Techniques 15 February 2021

Many special and useful hair care solutions are waiting for you on Avon Brochure Advance Techniques 15 February 2021!  You should try these products to get healthier and softer feeling hair. Advance Techniques series have many special selections for your hair. Discover and get them at reasonable prices!

avon brochure advance techniques 15 february 2021avon brochure advance techniques 15 february 2021

Most Trendy Hair Colors

How would you like to change your beauty look in 2021? It is time to make a fresh touch to your hair color that you have not changed for years. Fortunately, 2021 promises recommendations for every hair color and every hair type with its hair colors shown as trends.

Try dyeing a thin strand of hair in the front of your hair or dyeing your short bangs a few shades lighter than your hair. If you feel bolder and want a modern look, you can dye the fronts of your dark hair in platinum or gray / white.


If you are worried about a permanent application, you can achieve this trend with temporary spray paints. Either way, we strongly recommend that you try this trend once! If you want, you can try a temporary dye and test the pulse of those around you and make a permanent application with the courage they give.

Sun-bleached hair is one of the favorite looks of almost every woman. These orange-yellow tonal differences that emphasize naturalness add a completely different air to your hair. However, you do not have to wait for the article. Your hairdresser can cast diffused sparkles by finding the best shade for your hair color. Thus, you can create the unique touch of the sun on your hair in the winter months.

Unique Choice

Cinnamon hair is a unique choice, especially for women with white skin tones. You can have a completely different aura by applying dark or light cinnamon shades to your hair. Remember: While dark color keeps pace with the cool and attractive attitude of women, especially in minimal style; The lighter cinnamon red color allows you to have a more energetic and warm look.

Dark brown hair is highly preferred as it makes women over a certain age look much younger. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the color intensity in dark brown hair. A much warmer and elegant dark brown color is just the color you need.

Honey blonde shiny hair is the ideal choice, especially for those with light hair. We are sure that we will see honey blonde hair, which is seen in 2021 hair color trends, mostly in spring and summer.

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